The Humanity That Saves Us
These are my two walking/running partners of many years. Rachel and Kathryn. Our rhythm changes depending on the new seasons we enter and exit but for many years we usually meet at least once or twice each week. I remember when Rachel and I first started walk/running, after the first walk, her husband asked her..."So how was the conversation game? Who started?" Because it's true - especially when running, no one wants to have to carry the entire conversation. Kathryn has been with us, even when a stint overseas interrupted. Our friendships are a discipline because if we didn't prioritize the time, it wouldn't happen. I am never excited to wake up at 5:30 AM. But I know that even when I'm not feeling it, they are relying on my presence. When I was in a boot for 12 weeks, we met on Rachel's deck around a fire pit.
We all need this in some form. If you don't have it, you should invite someone you have a friend-crush on. That's what I did. You might feel weird and vulnerable but that's a great way to be. I didn't really know Rachel when we started but she lived in my neighborhood and I would see her while trying to get back into shape after having my third baby. She also went to my church.
If someone turns you down, that's okay. It happens to all of us. My sister-in-law recently commented that it seems rejection doesn't bother me. Ha! It does bother me but it doesn't prevent me from doing things. Keep asking until you find one or two people willing to commit. It's hard at the beginning but once you find a routine, it's like brushing your teeth and you won't spend any energy trying to decide on days/times or mentally preparing for early wake up.
Earlier this week I was at my book club sharing some of my distrust about something and a friend of mine, who is black, said to me..."Lauren. I'm black. Black women can choose to trust, or not trust. And I choose to trust people." Her point was that she has reasons not to trust anyone. But she chooses to trust. And I can do the same. That shifted something in me.
People will save us in hard times if we trust that humanity is good!!